One Laptop Per Child in Nigeria
Nos visita desde Dinamarca: Lars Bo Andersen y nos hablará acerca de su trabajo con el uso de XO y su experiencia en Nigeria. La charla será enteramente en inglés.
La cita es el sábado 9 de abril de 10am a 1pm aquí en Escuelab.
Presentation of a qualitative study of an ongoing implementation of XO laptops in West Africa by Danish PhD student Lars Bo Andersen. The presentation will be in English (as Lars´ spanish is "undeveloped") and turn on one or more of the following themes.
Some subjects of the presentation:
1) What has the role of technology been in the history of "development", and how does that compare with present concerns over the digital divide and ICTs in education and poverty reduction.
2) A description of how one specific academic field called actor-network theory may contribute to studies of technology in development (hereunder OLPC). In essence this strand of theory considers technology a socio-technical network rahter than a thing or a piece of hardware.
3) A description of the OLPC project in Nigeria according to some of the insights provided by Actor-Network Theory.
This work is open, explorative, and very much in the making, and it is hoped that we can have a good and open discussion about such themes as "what is a XO laptop," and in "which ways does it make a difference," and "what are the main problems confronting projects like OLPC" using insights from both Peru and Nigeria.
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Objetive Public:
Everyone who is able to understand my English... Although I am an academic, I try not to speak as one :-)
About Lars Bo Andersen:
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