Selected residents and projects 2010 - 2011
Selected persons
Alejandro Araque Mendoza (Cundinamarca, Colombia)
Visual artist dedicated to appropriation processes and analysis of local mass media in neighbourhoods of high risk, indigenous and rural communities in Colombia. Plastic Art Teacher at the National University of Colombia (emphasis in New Media). In the past years he has been working with communities at not conventional spaces consolidating social networks with the intention of thinking over technologies of the information and the communication from the analysis, the creation of contents and appropriation of technologies (radio, television and Internet) in the frame of the relation of recognition, recovery of local knowledge and collaborative creation from different projects. About the project: It seeks to generate spaces of analysis, creation and experimentation from within the communities, concerning the ICTs (Radio, television and Internet), in order to make visible and to recover music, history, culture and local traditions. To strength the social ties in the community giving space to the exchange of knowledge and the appropriation of the radio, local television and Internet. Develop spaces of formation, creation and experimentation in non-conventional spaces in relation to the analysis of the mass media. In this way, it aims to recognize the main experimental alternatives of media use in opposite to community processes and relate them to a specific context.
Diana Vanessa Bósquez Salas (Quito, Ecuador)
Graduated in Social Communication at the Central University of the Ecuador. Coordinator of cultural projects at the Department of Culture in Ecuador. Researcher on Human rights and abuse. About the project: Design and development of a project installation of a radio community stations to strengthen the participative process. It is given as a form of education, but also from art with workshops of dance, theatre, puppets, recycling and community radios. In this way it seeks to strengthen the processes with the help and cooperation of the participants with the communities work successfully.
Paula Bustos Flores (Santiago de Chile)
Licensed in Visual Arts at the UMCE, where she did an open and free workshop on Graphic design and Installation. Organized "Visual Strategies ", Conversations of art with the support of artists, managers and independent galleries; also produced a series of micro-documentaries on "street art" of the periphery zones of Santiago. She also organized photographic installations, videos and workshops on the creation, aesthetic and philosophical discourses on contemporary art. About the project: The project takes as a central proposal the development of an hybrid aesthetic of iconic miscegenation between popular and personal images, linking images or visions of the traditional (in some cases lost in time) with the new means and platforms of communication (current and dynamic technology). The objective focuses on the oral transmission of original cultures, origins and formation of community spaces, occupation of forgotten spaces in the city, on fallow sites, meeting squares and fields, accomplishment of gastronomic barters, three-dimensional productions with light, photographic projects and migratory pictures of birds (movements and sounds).
Vladimir Eugenio Castro Salas (Cochabamba, Bolivia)
Software Engineer at the company Trilogy Software Bolivia. Systems Engineer, graduated from UBADOL (Cochabamba, Bolivia). About the project: A social organized system that has as principal intention to show and make known the cultural richness of every community, doing emphasis in the culture that has being showing his qualities as well as artistic, intellectual productions, enabling to make visible the way of thinking of people from different regions. It seeks to generate a diffusion relying on the words of their own people, showing what is valuable inside their own community/city and allowing them not to matter on the location to express and tell the history of his people and his culture.
Aymar Ccopacatty Pike (Puno, Perú)
Plastic artist, knitter, cultural promoter; he has been building bridges between natives of north and south, filmmaker of traditions and interviews with elders Aymara in the district Acora, Puno. Graduate in Plastic Arts, Sculpture, RISD (Rhode Island, USA). About the project: It is based on the cultural activism and the digital work of indigenous Aymara children of Puno's rural areas (Peru). The technology and current economy inevitably has changed this thousand-year-old culture forever; nevertheless, the Aymara culture can learn to handle and make use of these technologies to exchange and understand better there world position front to the globalization.
María Gracia Pineda Pérez (Lima, Perú)
Technician in audio-visual communication at the Public Technological Superior Institute of Design (Lima, Peru). Student of Anthropology University of San Marcos, Faculty of Social Sciences. Assistant of Press and Public Relations, Office of Institutional Image, Cultural Center of San Marcos. UNMSM. Teaching assistant, Workshop of Introduction to the Documentary Accomplishment as tools for Visual Anthropology, Students' Center of Anthropology, University of San Marcos. About the project: The project pretends to produce audio-visual cosmogonies, which will be interactive inside a physical installation as well as on a virtual one. Audio-visual cultural elements exposed in ways that try to express the cosmovision of the culture in its temporary-space dimensions that are able to interact with the observer. The intention is to create a new piece with inlays of the global culture, and in this way analyze how there are elements that can co-exist harmonically and enable ways to see the non-dominant world.
Ana Rosa Valdez Hermida (Guayaquil, Ecuador)
General Coordinator of the Commission for Community Relations, Superior Technological Institute of Arts of Ecuador (ITAE). Teacher at ITAE of the courses: History the Art V (New Media) and Project management. Independent Curator and writter. Collaborates at Rio Revuelto, blog of contemporary art edited by Rodolfo Kronfle. Chambers, and Deskafuero, platform of investigation and cultural critique. Licensed in Art History, University of Havana, Cuba. About the project: Project about Studies in Art, Culture and Technology, in order to develop platforms of both formal education (courses at schools) and non-formal spaces (short time workshops). It will focus on designing educational projects by way of courses and workshops to be implemented in the context of Guayaquil and that can also be developed as pilot programs by Escuelab in Lima.
Mónica Janeth Vallejo Zea (Medellín, Colombia)
Food Engineer, University Corporation Lasallian. Business Management University Institution CEIPA. Young Americas Business Trust YABT / Organization of American States OAS Judge Talent and Innovation Competition of the Americas (TIC Americas 2010). Art 8 U. S. Coordinator Project. About the Project: A new generation of entrepreneurs have on their shoulders the responsibility to transform our countries. This challenge represents for entrepreneur’s education a huge responsibility, and claims for efficient models to teach to entrepreneurs how to grow up as individuals and capitalize their unique capacities. All this can be achieved by the appropriation of innovative tools and the construction of future, the interaction with other entrepreneurs and the insertion into communities of people with same interests.
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